Its Friday guys. FRIDAY. That means I have until Tuesday to get everything I need done before my mother-in-law gets here. Oh Lordy, help me! I think I just may be able to get it decent before that time, but man in the mean time I'm freaking out! Besides the fact that I need more boxes. If you see a lady rummaging around behind the gas station, its just me looking for boxes. Its okay.
I finally got up the nerve to ask for help though, you know to someone besides my husband who doesn't really help anyway. I don't know why its so hard, but I just feel so weak to have to ask someone to help me. Stupid I know, but thats how I feel. So my kids are going to play at a friends for a little bit while I pack up my kitchen. I'm just hoping the little break away from each other will be good for us. Because at this point everyone in my house hates each other. My kids are bored, there's nothing to do, mom's busy packing, so they get into trouble and are naughty. Lots of yelling going on here. Its fantastic.
I signed up to bring chili to our ward cook-off thing next tuesday. Why did I do that? All my cooking stuff will be packed away by then, I'll be leaving a day or so after that, why do I feel the need to over-extend myself? Its so stupid.
Okay, I'm done talking. Great on you for reading all this, since I know its super up-beat and happy. Can you tell I've hit my limit? I'm tired and I'm sick and I'm overwhelmed and I HATE PACKING. Okay, gotta get back to work, enough whining.
p.s. Do you guys watch America's Next Top Model? Because I am LOVING this season with the "petite" girls (i.e. SHORT). I totally missed my chance, I'll never be a top model now! waaah! Anyway, ANTM and Bejeweled Blitz are my only escape from reality. Bless them.
I Can Call You Boobie...
8 hours ago