Last night was an especially rough night. The baby has a cold, so he's congested and not sleeping well. Then the two year old has been having a hard time the last few nights as well, about midnight he started crying and snuck into our bed. (Yeah, yeah, I don't want to hear that the reason I don't get any sleep is because my kids sleep in my bed, I am too cranky to respond nicely.) So all night long we were squished and crying and not sleeping well. My two daughters get up WAY TOO early and such was the case this morning. It was my second daughter's birthday yesterday and she got a barbie doll that I told her I would open today. TWENTY minutes before my alarm was supposed to go off, guess who's in my face whispering "MOMMY?! MOMMMMY?!" Yes, that horrible child. I peek my eye open and she asks if I could open the barbie right now? AND I AM ANNNNGRY! I told her I was SLEEPING and to GET OUT. Not two minutes later, my oldest is in the room "But mommy can't you open it?!" Its getting to the point where I'm going to start screaming I was so tired and all I could think of was that she was ROBBING me of a precious TWENTY minutes of sleep!!
We had a little talk when I got up twenty minutes later.
After my oldest got off to school, I went back to sleep. Thats right, I did.
I'm still angry just thinking about this. I think I'm going to go in their room at midnight tonight and ask them to get me a snack or something, awwww sweet justice...
P.S. I had a very busy Thanksgiving weekend, I hope yours was full of family and friends and happiness and thanksgiving!