Monday, November 1, 2010

What did You do This Weekend?

These pictures are all backwards but we'll just have to deal! We went to a trunk or treat Saturday night and got very soggy. It was pretty wet out, but still fun. We did a Ghostbuster theme this year--me, Dave and Maddie were Ghostbusters. Bethany was a ghost. Sam was the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man and Kimball was Slimer. It was a LOT of fun!

On Friday we did a fun little party at my parents' house. I dressed up like Betty Boop that night but I couldn't take a picture of myself in the mirror very well, this is the best I've got:
I know it sucks. Taking a picture of yourself in a mirror is harder than you think!

The night was filled with fun halloween food and lots of fun games for the kids, they had a blast!

Kristie's costume was the best! She dressed up as Timmy and it was hysterical! When we first drove up we saw her through the kitchen window and were like "Is that dad? I don't think so...Is it Timmy? No, they're too short...WHO IS THAT?!" Well, it was Kristie. Every time I'd see her out of the corner of my eye, I'd have to do a double take! haha
This is her cheesy Timmy grin--spot on!

She's holding up her finger because Timmy smashed his finger a few weeks ago and its all bruised on the end, so she even made her finger looked bruised to match! Clever girl!

This is Timmy's reaction to seeing her the first time, it was awesome!

We also went to Dave's parents for dinner Sunday with lots of yummy food and treats, like caramel apples and homemade peppermint patties! It was a crazy and busy weekend but we had such a good time, made out like robbers on the candy and enjoyed having fun with our family most of all! Hope you had a very fun Halloween as well!


  1. You guys are awesome. Love the little State Puff costume.

    And I can see the Betty Boop in the 1/4 of your face I can see.

  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, you HAVE to send me all the pics from the Halloween party, too funny! Yes, I mean ALL of them! Nice that my butt is in a couple of those trunk or treat pics, oy, can we black it out or anything?! hee hee:)

    PS - you were a great Betty Boop!

  3. Best family theme I've seen. I'm very sad to have missed a better Betty Boop pic.

  4. I am jealous...sounds like you have a few days of FUN FUN FUN. The costumes were great...I'd have loved to see another shot of you as Betty Boop.
    We get no trick or treaters down our country road, so we took a drive into the city to see some kids and costumes, and decorations...and ended up with a SPEEDING TICKET.

  5. We went to my sister-in-law's neighborhood and my kids SCORED on candy. Especially my son Jayden, who got extra treats at most houses because it was also his birthday. He ended up with 268 candies, and sold me 209 pieces for a $10.45 profit. (I buy it back every year...CAVITIES!!)

    Your Ghostbuster theme is brill...and your Betty Boop pouty lips are perfection!

    My friends are so hot.

  6. Your family themed costume is the best! I love the inclusion of slimer and Puff.

    Next year, maybe I will dress my family as the cast from Cheers? My son would make an excellent Norm.

  7. Boo! I left the comment in the wrong place.

    I am such a loser!

    Yay its thanksgiving time! Lets do Kandee's Pocahontas look for it :)

  8. looks like you had a great time!!!!

  9. Cute, cute, cute! I love the pin the spider on the web game. My kids wish I was that much fun.

  10. I love coordinated costumes. Sadly, no one in my family will ever go for them.


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