So I died last year when Mandi did her Epic Room Makeover--the results were so awesome, and I pretty much loved the entire thing. And now, guess what? She's doing it again!!
And you know what the even better news is???
WE'RE BUYING A HOUSE THIS WEEK!!! We're scheduled for closing on thursday and moving in this weekend!
The sad part is because of the timing and extra expenses that have come up (septic pumping, a whole new freaking roof, etc.) we don't have a lot of extra money to do all the fun projects I wanted to (especially the flooring, gosh dang I wanted to get rid of that carpet...), and we'll probably have to wait awhile before we can really do anything. (This sucks BAD, by the way.)
Have you ever wanted something SO BAD and had to wait ELEVEN YEARS for it?! If you have, then you know how hard that is. If you haven't had to wait eleven years for something, than go say a little prayer and be thankful for how lucky you are. ;)
Anyway, Mandi's doing another Epic Room Makeover, and this time I can actually apply for it! How freaking cool would that be?!
So here's some pictures of our house so you can see:
(the room I would makeover---oh gosh, so hard to choose!!--would be the living room)
These are the MLS listing pictures:
This third picture, in the left hand corner, thats the front door. So there's a bay window--thats fun right?!--and old gray berber carpet--not so fun I know--and high ceilings and plain white walls.
Of course, right now its empty. BUT I do have this great couch that will go in there:
Okay, I know this is a crappy picture, but I'm in the midst of packing and I'm lazy. (Yes, thats a two year old sleeping on the other couch.)
Oh and I just dyed a slipcover the other day a light turquoise for a chair, so it shows I can do decoratey things too! :)
Here is where I plead my case, and look as pathetic as possible:
I have spent the last week and a half packing my brains out--with no help from my husband because...well, he's dumb--I'm tired, I'm stressed, I got in a big fight with my husband last night and hardly slept at all. Feel sorry for me. I have four kids and my husband's in the military, I had my fourth baby alone (except my sister was there...and you know, the doctor) because my husband was at basic training, my kids are crazy, I'm sort of crazy. I don't even have an iphone. Am I laying this on too thick?
Okay, other reasons why it would be awesome if I was chosen:
I'm hilarious--right?! I'm super fun to be around. I don't work outside the home and I'm a night owl so I can work as late as we need to (just don't ask me to get up early...). I love thrifting, I hate spending money, I am ALL about do-it-yourself. We would have SO MUCH FUN!! Also, I live in Washington, which isn't too far from Utah and did you know that Washington is BEAUTIFUL?! Plus I would take you to the Space Needle if you wanted. Or to the mountains, whatever blows your hair back! Ummmm, what else....I definitely don't want the same look as everyone else, I like unique, I like fun, I HATE matched couch sets. I'm really good at painting--both walls and pictures. I have a really nice camera. I have a mac and a wii. Whats your favorite movie--I bet I have it! I REALLY WANT THIS.
Okay, pray for me friends.