It has been FOREVER since I last posted! Man oh man! Don't think I've forgotten about you guys because I've been trying real hard to keep reading and sort of commenting if I can, sort of. Have you forgotten about me?! I'm that chick who complains a lot and doesn't usually make much sense. Remember now? Okay, goody!
I haven't necessarily been super busy, but more like just not inside. The nice summer weather finally hit here and we're trying to soak it up. Doing things like this:
But honestly, the other reason I haven't been on here much is because: my husband's here. All the time. And its weird.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining he's home, I'm SO HAPPY; its just weird because we don't get a break from each other very often. Think about if your husband was home every day for two weeks straight, you'd be going a little nutso right? Also, he's messy. Just thought I'd throw that in there. So either he's on the computer filling out applications (because the man NEEDS to get a job pronto!), or we're out turning paperwork in or getting stuff done, so I haven't had a lot of chances to blog. It feels very sneaky when I'm on here. Which could be fun maybe, except its not. At all. Don't think it is, because it isn't. I promise.
So anyway, I sit here with a baby about ready to eat, a two year old clinging to my arm and my two oldest fighting upstairs and slamming doors. Because I care about you guys, and blogging. I neglect my children for YOU. I mean really, I do it all the time, so why not now?
Well, time to go before my husband gets home and I have to pick up a little so he doesn't know I've wasted most my time on here. See, theres that sneaky thing again. Ruining everything. By the way, I'm exhausted if you can't tell. Having four kids is no picnic let me tell you. I love them don't get me wrong, but the sleeping arrangements suck. Suck I say! Hoping you guys are having awesome summer fun right now too!
I’m gonna be a Grandma!
16 hours ago