Tuesday, March 8, 2011

EMERGENCY! I mean, not really, but still.

AGH guys. AGH!


I am so frustrated right now. I know this is the sort of thing people crave in a blog post: my hair and whether I should cut it or not, but its whats on my mind so...sorry.

The plan was to grow it out. I really wanted to grow my hair out LOOOONG, like Kyle from The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills:

Her hair is gorgeous and long and luscious. I haven't had long hair for a few years and thought it was time to change things up. Plus I've always loved styling hair (done so many prom hair-do's I couldn't tell you the number), and I love doing fun stuff in my own hair so it would be fun for it to be long and actually fix it all "fancy".

[I don't really have any pictures to show you of me with long hair, EDIT: ah my sister sent me some:]

But I LOVE my short hair. I just love it. LOVE IT. LOOOOVE it.

I miss it. I saw a picture of me last year with short hair and I wanted to take a pair of scissors to my head right then.

I want to do this:

Or maybe something like this:

And you know what? I want the blonde. I WANT IT.

[Here's a couple of me with short hair:]

I'm trying to figure out if I should stay strong and grow it out. Get a cute "middle length" cut for now to hold me over (I'm afraid to get near a stylist for fear of shouting "just shave it all off!!"), maybe color it for a change, or should I just cut it short?

So tell me dear friends, what should I do? It is very much appreciated.


  1. I just read your comment on my blog... ha ha!
    I've done the Walmart thing, but I'm not confident in the whole touch up my roots part... :)

    Ok... Now. That is THE. CUTEST. family picture I have seriously ever seen! I love it!

    I think if you love , love, LOVE, your hair short you should go short again! But it looks like you have beautiful long hair too. I think you look cute, young, "hip" (can I say hip? ha ha) with short hair. I don't love, love, love mine short so I'm enduring this in-between awful phase still... I'm almost through it. I can put it all in one pony tail in the back now. If you aren't sure - wait another month and if you still want to go short - well, dang it! I say go short! :)

  2. I bet her hair isn't even real :( I want to do mine long too, but it takes SO long. I know a lot of people do extensions, but those are expensive. I'm doing the growing out thing too. Frustrating. But I think you rock the short hair!!

  3. Seriously if I knew I wouldn't already have a similar post in my draft pile. :)
    I mean... I'm at the same type of loss. Only, I am finally DETERMINED to stick it out until my hair is long(ish) again & then give it a few months and then decide whether or not to cut it all off again. I LOVE short hair, I want to try long hair again because I like how it looks. I think I'm going to get bangs and a Bones-style cut and see if that helps my never happy with my hair-ness. good luck!

  4. Not many people can rock the super cute, short hair, but you definitely can. I would keep it short.

    Oh, and I am currently watching the latest edition of Sheen's Korner. It's awesome. WInning.

  5. How funny I was like I am not commenting if she has 400 comments. Had to do a retake. I think you look awesome with short hair and that really says something because it takes a beautiful lady to pull of the short. Do it. Make sure you share some photos.

  6. I think grow it out, take some pictures, enjoy it for six months, and then when you chop it, you'll love the short hair more than ever.

  7. Okay, I am not your normal dude, but I totally dig short hair. I think I'm definitely in the minority there.

  8. Oh man! Now I want to cut my hair, too. Obviously, not much of an unbiased opinion to share. I think you look awesome with short hair.

  9. each totally has it's own advantages. If you go blonde, and short like that photo....will you be putting the nose earring in???
    I have seen you in short hair and you look so dang cute!!!! IF...I could do SHORT, I would. I'd love to just take a shower and fluff my hair and that's about it.
    Long hair you can throw back in a ponytail etc a few more options there.
    so.......I really helped didn't I !!!!!!!!!!

  10. I would do short if I could. It would be so much easier. Right now I have fairly long hair that loves to fly into my mouth.

  11. There are very (very, very, very) few people in this world that can pull off short hair.

    You woman, are one of them.

    Chop it! Dye it! Have fun with it! Nothing makes a girl feel happy and stress-free like a new haircut...done by a PROFESSIONAL.

    On your way home stop by the local make-up counter, have them do some crazy dramatic eye make-up, and have fun doing a photo shoot that night with your husband. ;)

    I love you!


I'm mysteriously judging whether or not you're going to comment or not...you know you want to.