Hey ya. I don't really have much to say except I have a LOT to say.
Except its stuff I really shouldn't say.
Do you know what I'm saying?
Really the only big thing on my mind would be all the crap thats going on around the election but its just starting to die down and I REALLY want it to stop, so I'm not going to add my two cents about it.
Anything else to talk about? Well, I'm sure I could come up with some random stuff nobody cares about! Whee!
I spent all day yesterday watching the third season of Downton Abbey and bawling my eyes out. Dang that show is sad! (No, it has not aired yet, I watched it on a probably illegal site okay? Don't judge me.)
I really needed a break from painting and house repairs.
I have to say, re-doing things around our house would be SO MUCH MORE FUN if we had money. I still like it but I would like it a lot more if I could buy whatever I wanted. ;) I have so got an itch to get out and buy crap. WHY CAN'T I BUY CRAP?!?
Its freezing here today. I know its not snowing like it is in Utah, but dude, I'm COLD.
My husband put two bookshelves together for me from Ikea. Which was very nice and much appreciated. All except the part where he put one piece on backwards and now instead of being white, its particle board. Dude. (For some reason, I feel like this is a metaphor for my life.)
I read somewhere earlier today that Christmas is in like 46 days. Shoot me now. I don't want to think about getting Christmas ready!! Doesn't time know that it needs to slow down for me right now?? I've got a lot going on with this stupid house and it just keeps whizzing by!
I just got called to be the Activity Days leader. I think it'll be great but I wish I could have started at the beginning of the year so I could spend more time getting things unpacked. It'll be fine of course, and I am happy to do it, just that time thing is happening again.
How long did it take you to unpack your house? Please tell me it was like a year so I feel better about myself.
Did you guys have a super fun Halloween?? I LOOOVE Halloween and we got to go to an adult party, and we went as a ventriloquist and his dummy. Here's a picture for ya:
It was so much freaking makeup, I felt so gross by the end of the night! haha
Well, missed ya friends, hope you're fantastic!
Metapost: The comments, they’re a-callin’
56 minutes ago